📄 Tietoturva prioriteettinä – Yhteistyössä Trivore Oy

⏳ 3 minuuttia

Tietoturva on meille ykkösasia!

Meille Pictuella on alusta asti ollut tietoturva pyhä asia. Halusimme viedä luotettavuutemme heti maksimiin ja siitä syystä yhteistyökumppaniksemme valikoitui kotimainen Trivore Oy. Alla Trivoren kesällä 2023 pitämä haastattelu Pictuen toimitusjohtajan, Kasper Välimäen kanssa.

Haastattelu (alla) on alkuperäiskielellä, eli englanniksi.

Pictue grants easy access to the photos in its mobile app – but only to the right people for the right reasons

When you are in the fast-moving software business, plan to go global, and deal with customer data that is partially extremely sensitive, you want to make sure you know exactly who can access that data. When Pictue, the Finnish developer of a photo documentation application, was looking for a secure solution to manage their software’s users’ identities, Trivore was a natural choice.

Application for sharing sensitive photo material

The idea of Pictue’s application is that, e.g., the photos of a construction site that are required by legislation or customer transparency no longer need to be shared via insecure, consumer-grade Instant Messaging solutions. Instead, they are stored in Pictue’s database – also managed by Trivore.

”Our photo documentation software was initially designed for the Fiber-to-the-Home business,” explains Pictue’s CEO Kasper Välimäki. “When we started development around a year ago, we realized that this software could be applied to any construction business – or pretty much any business you could think of.” Since then, Pictue has identified dozens of other use cases outside construction that require a secure way of sharing information and photographs.

All these scenarios offer great potential for Pictue’s application. For example, a kindergarten in Tampere uses the app to share photos of children’s days with their caretakers. There would be thousands of similar kindergartens in Finland alone for Pictue to conquer.


Security, business fundaments, and user-friendliness

Many of Pictue’s use cases include sensitive data that can be harmful in the wrong hands. In the very early stages of product development, Pictue’s team realized they needed a robust, reliable partner for managing the identities of the people using their application.

“We have enough to do with developing and maintaining our own software,” explains Välimäki, and continues: “It wasn’t even an option to carry the heavy workload of developing an Identity Management solution in-house.” According to Välimäki, the more solutions that are fit-for-purpose and secure Pictue can purchase as a service, the better. “Trivore’s solution’s topmost promise for us was its security,” Välimäki says.

Another essential feature of Trivore’s Identity Management solution for Pictue is that it reliably records the number of users who sign in. Pictue’s billing and income are based on this data, so it is fair to say that Trivore’s solution is critical for Pictue’s business.

Many out-of-the-box features included in Trivore’s solution also significantly enhance Pictue’s user experience. “From the viewpoint of design and development, we got a huge number of features out-of-the-box that would have required noticeable coding work from our people,” Välimäki praises. “For example, all SMS messages and verification codes to a new user are sent out directly from Trivore’s ID platform.”


Effortless collaboration that scales for growth

The operations of Pictue’s eight-person team are very agile. Kasper Välimäki takes pride in, e.g., being able to respond to customers’ feedback and implement the suggested new features within days – instead of weeks or months. Such responsiveness also calls for partners that can live up to expectations.

“Our collaboration with Trivore has been outstanding and fruitful,” Välimäki praises. “Trivore proactively stays in contact, and even though my schedules usually require that things be ready ‘yesterday,’ Trivore has managed all requests remarkably promptly. “

Välimäki sees lucrative growth opportunities for Pictue’s solution, which he describes as “the most easy-to-use and automated photo documentation software out there.” The globally expanding installation of optical fiber connections has quickly boosted the need for construction work across many countries, making this fast-growing domain exciting.

“In Finland, we have optic fiber in something like one of every third house. In Sweden, the numbers are already close to 70%, whereas Central European countries like Germany are severely lagging, with less than 7% connected to optical fiber,” Välimäki lists. “When contractors take pictures of telecom operators’ connecting cabinets, they cannot send them through any Instant Messaging service. You need to consider the security of this sensitive information,” Välimäki explains.

For a CEO running a B2B business based on a software application launched just some six weeks ago, Kasper Välimäki has ambitious goals. The company aims to have tens of thousands of users in its system by the end of 2023 and plans to go international, starting from the European market.

This also means that Trivore’s Identity Management software must rapidly scale up. Välimäki has solid trust in Pictue’s partnership with Trivore. “I can genuinely recommend Trivore as a solution and as a partner. I have seen all kinds of partners and players during my career as an entrepreneur in different businesses. Trivore is by far one of the best of them.”

Lähde: Trivore Oy

Kasper Välimäki

+358 44 914 3060